Symbiotic relationship between AI & Web3

March 19, 2024

AI & The Road Ahead…

The ever growing landscape of blockchain continues to redefine the boundaries of technology. Amongst the most prominent players in this transformation lies Artificial intelligence (AI), and the decentralised web. They now stand as a beacon of light in the fusion towards mutual growth & enhancement.

What is Web3 & AI and where are the similarities?

The Internet has progressed rapidly from the early days of Web1, which included static texts and visuals, to the current version – Web2. We are presently entering the Web3 era, in which value and data will easily move across decentralized platforms with distributed ownership and control.

While Web 3.0 hasn’t fully taken shape, it will have significant implications for how business gets conducted as it is – unlike in the past – decentralized and not controlled by governments and corporations. With Web 3.0, centralized companies no longer own or retain the data, as it gets privately managed.

– Alexandra Pitkevich, principal, business consulting, EPAM Systems

How Web3 Can Boost AI’s Potential

1. Decentralized Computation: One of the significant limitations in AI development is the need for vast computational resources. Web3, with its decentralized structure, could facilitate distributed computational frameworks, allowing idle resources across the network to be used for intensive AI tasks.

2. Data Sovereignty: Web3 can provide AI with an ocean of high-quality, consented data. Unlike centralized platforms where the quality and genuineness of data can sometimes be questionable, Web3 can offer verifiable, trustworthy datasets, vital for training sophisticated AI models.

3. Decentralized AI Models and Trust: AI’s decision-making can sometimes be enigmatic. By hosting AI models on a blockchain, an immutable record of model training, updates, and decision-making logic can be maintained. This ensures transparency and trust, making AI decisions more accountable.

4. Anti-counterfeit Measures: With the rise of deepfakes and AI-generated content, ensuring authenticity becomes paramount. Blockchain’s tamper-proof nature can be used to verify the authenticity of AI-generated outputs, ensuring the genuineness of content.

5. Monetization and Incentivization: Web3’s token-based economy can foster a new era of AI development, where individuals can be rewarded for training data provision, model improvements, or even running computations. This can drive community-driven AI advancement at an unprecedented scale.

How AI Can Amplify Web3’s Capabilities

1. Smart Contracts with Intelligence: One of Web3’s core features, smart contracts, can be made smarter. With embedded AI logic, contracts can make dynamic decisions based on real-time data rather than static pre-defined logic. This can revolutionize sectors like Decentralized Finance (DeFi), making them more adaptable and responsive.

2. Enhanced User Experience: Decentralized applications (DApps) on Web3 can utilize AI to offer personalized user experiences without compromising on user data privacy, a significant concern in the Web2 world.

3. Data Analysis and Insights: The vast amounts of data generated on blockchain networks can be harnessed using AI for actionable insights, forecasting, and enhancing network efficiency.

4. Network Security: AI can play a crucial role in identifying malicious activities, predicting possible vulnerabilities, and initiating preemptive measures to secure Web3 networks.

5. Efficient Consensus Mechanisms: AI can help design energy-efficient, fast, and secure consensus algorithms, a vital aspect of blockchain networks, ensuring scalability and environmental sustainability.

In essence, AI and Web3 are not just complementary; they are interdependent in the grand narrative of future technological innovations. As AI seeks decentralization, transparency, and vast datasets, Web3 stands ready to deliver. Simultaneously, as Web3 ventures towards enhanced functionality, adaptability, and user experience, AI offers the tools to achieve those milestones.